Sunday, May 6, 2012

April and May

April went so fast and we had so much. We learned a lot about gardening, baby animals, and we even went to a farm.

May has lots of celebrations with Cinco de Mayo, Mother's day, and tons of birthdays. We've also been busy with hospital visits for Aly. At her regular MRI check up we learned that she has a brain tumor. She will be having brain surgery to get it removed the 11th of May a week before her 1st birthday. As you can imagine this is something unexpected. We will be open on the days before her surgery. However, no children will be allowed on the home with any signs of sicknesses (ex. runny noise). As for care after that we will set up a plan with indiviual families. We thank all our families for your support and prayers. On another note we will have a part time opening starting next month. Depending on how well our daughter does after the surgery we will be slower on scheduling tours.