Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Welcome to our two new families!! We are excited to have new little critters and will have a fun year learning and exploring. I am starting a waiting list for any new families who would like to join once I have my license. I currently have Mondays and Wednesdays open for a child under the age of two.
News Updates
~The Troutman Park is getting rubber matting put under the swings and a ramp up to the slid area for wheel chair access. This work is being done October 5-9. So no playground at the park end of the first week in October.
~Stretch-N-Grow! We have won a free class from Michelle. We are very excited to have her in our home Thursday, Oct. 6 at 10:45. We will have a Stretch-N-Grow Party. This includes lunch after the class with our friends that don't usually come.
~October is an exciting month with costumes and changing weather. Please make sure your little critters are starting to bring a jacket for those chillier days. We will go out side a little bit every day even if its just for a breath of fresh air.
~Also Please refrain from letting your children wear their costumes early. We will have a costume party day toward the end of the month to show off our stuff.